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Many people are defrauding people claiming to be Amel Soname magician or Amel Soname Healer and giving out phone numbers, making websites using the words: Amel Soname, creating emails, and social media accounts using Amel Soname . Social media is being used to spoil my name.I am NOT associated with these people who are claiming to be amel soname in any way or with those people who are running spiritual offices and asthana in the name of amel soname.If you have any questions or concerns, Amel Soname does not talk over the phone at all. You can contact amel soname through email ONLY. your questions will be answered on a first come first served basis. No other email address is valid to communicate with me except for amel_soname@yahoo.com.
This is not our website www.amelsoname.com , i am not associated with this site
Monday, 19 August 2013
Sex and porn addiction are amongst the major problems rampant in the present era. What was restricted to only some sleazy magazines till a few decades ago has now splashed all over the internet and has become easily accessible. Unfortunately, youngsters have also got hooked on to this vice, apart from some married men, thereby creating a furor in the society. This type of addiction can lead to strained family relationships, thereby, weakening the moral fabric of any society.
Ironically, there are certain groups within the society who do not look down upon at porn. In fact, they find it to be a useful tool in more than one way. According to some of them watching porn actually helps certain men to decide whether there are gay or straight. Some others opine that watching porn helps married people to spice up their sex life and so on and so forth.
Unfortunately, the problem of porn addiction gives does not stop here. Rather it snowballs into many other problems such as:
Youngsters indulging in high risk sex
Sexual violence such as molestation, child molestation and rape
This was a general description of this topic. Now let us broach the topic in the light of Islam.
What has been termed as sex addiction is tantamount to a major sin or Gunah-e-Kabira in Islam. Both fornication and adultery are crimes which call for a severe punishment in Islam. The arguments which are being given in order to show that watching porn is healthy and beneficial are uncalled for. According to Islam, watching porn is tantamount to committing adultery or zina of the eyes.
Here is a hadith which throws light on this matter:
“It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, ‘Allah has decreed for every son of Adam his share of zina which he will inevitably commit The zina of the eye is looking, the zina of the tongue is speaking, one may wish and desire and the private parts conform or deny it. (Al-Bukhari-5889).
So when merely watching porn is tantamount to committing zina of the eyes then one can imagine how bigger a sin would be to indulge in illicit sex.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is an immorality and is as evil as a way”. (TMQ-17:32)
The following ahadith also reverberate the same idea:
“Whoever guarantees me (the chastity of) what is between his legs (i.e. his private parts) and what is between his jaw (i.e. his tongue), I guarantee him Paradise” (Sahih Bukhari)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, ‘No adulterer is a believer at the time when he is committing adultery”. Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
It was related that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh0 said, ‘Whoever fornicates or drinks wine, Allah takes off his faith from him as a man takes a shirt off his head”. (Hakim)
So a person who dares to indulge in the lewd act of illicit sex or gets addicted to illicit sex is stripping himself of his Faith. This is precisely what Satan wants to happen. So he who gets hooked on to the lewd addictions, such as porn or illicit sex, has actually lost the battle to his deadliest enemy, namely Satan.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
1 comment:
Amel Soname, You are doing a wonderful job.. JazakAllah Khair... the topics and their explanation speaks in volumes about the effort you are putting..will definitely benefit people who have a ringside view of Islam...
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